Ihre wichtigsten Vorteile mit AIC Europe
- Direct support from our electrical engineers
- Expert advice for the most suitable capacitor
- electrical performances / smallest case size / lowest cost / best availability
- Capacitor performances under your specifical load conditions
- Lifetime / Self heating / ESR / leakage current
- Individual capacitor design: easy, fast, low-cost
- Suitable balancing resistor calculation
- Short time samples production with integrated thermocouple
- World wide largest AIC warehouse
- Safety and consignment stocks in Krefeld – GERMANY – to fulfil the requirement of flexible and reliable just-in-time delivery
- urgent manufacturing and express shipment upon request
- Direct delivery in Asia for EMS supply
- Rolling forecast / Buffer stock / EDI / VMI
Investigation and testing
- ESR vs frequency vs temperature
- Load and overload testing, stress test
- Testing of customer specific abnormal load condition
- Lifetime endurance testing
- Investigation of field samples
- On stock samples TC integration
- Forced cooling testing
- Benchmark tests